Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Maybe I Should Send Mark a Bill!

Mark Ramsey, in his Hear 2.0 blog, made reference to  RadioShift, a cool piece of software that allows you to schedule and record Internet radio stations. He calls it "DVR for your radio".

He's right. And it looks like it would be really cool. I clicked on the Buy It button. Whoops!! You've got to have an Apple computer to run it.

Yes, but now I want it. I could buy a Mac. Probably will, but not today, and not just to get RadioShift.

So I did the Google thing and found, for Windows Vista/XP, something called Replay A/V.

It looks like it might be okay. It does say you can "schedule and record" Internet radio.

I spent the money. Now I'll be the guinea pig. I'll come back to you with a full report. I can't actually compare it with RadioShift, but I'll let you know how well it works. I want to record a couple of European clients's midday shows, which of course air at about 2AM my time.

I'll let you know. And Mark, thanks! This really is a great idea, even for us who are stuck with boring computers.


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