MusicVISTA Gets a New Report: Opinion Distribution
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Just when you might have thought there couldn’t be any more ways that MusicVISTA could slice and dice your music test, here is another report.
There are many reasons you might want to see how the opinions from an AMT are distributed.
For example, you see lower scores than normal. Are Favorites down? Did you get a lot of “No Opinion” responses? Is the number of “Tired Of” responses up significantly?
What about different groups (which we call “breaks”? How do Pure Core format fans compare to the Total Sample? What about your competitor’s 18-24 Males?
Using the Report
The report always shows the distribution for the Total Sample. Below, you can select any of the AMTs sub-groups. The distribution of opinions for the selected break is shown, along with the difference between this opinion’s percent for this break compared to the Total Sample.
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