Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Radio Company Mission Statements: Thoughts from Consultant Doug Erickson

One of the brightest radio programming consultants is Doug Erickson, based out of Denver, Colorado. When he occasionally takes the time to share his thoughts, they are always valuable. I gained his permission to share part of a recent email. You may not have been on the original distribution list. But it would be a shame if you didn't have the chance to read this:

"It’s become standard fare with every company and every business, the ubiquitous “mission statement.” In a short and entertaining blog about the topic, Dan Heath, of Made to Stick fame, points out that there’s more to this exercise than meets the eye...

In fact, a certain kind of mission statement — well phrased and properly promulgated — can inspire companies and the people who work in them. It can help managers remember what they’re trying to accomplish and what’s beyond the scope of their enterprise. It can guide a company’s decisions about allocating capital. *(emphasis added)

Perhaps, Radio wouldn’t have stumbled so hard over the past 15 years if one of the 3 or 4 major radio companies had thought more about their mission statement.

Would anything have been different, in terms of staffing, in terms of the product itself, if the mission statement for Clear Channel or CBS had read something like this:

Our stations exist to serve, inform and entertain every listener who seeks us out, to enrich their lives, to touch their hearts, and to deepen their, and our, connection to our community every day.

If we build it, they will still come…

Doug Erickson, Erickson Media Consultants, Englewood, Colorado



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