Saturday, March 10, 2007

Topic of the Week: Hispanic Listeners

Edison Research has just released a study of Hispanic listeners and their opinions about country music. And Jacobs Media has just posted a blog about Hispanics and Rock Radio.

The Edison study was presented last week at a country music convention, Country Radio Seminar 38. 

 You can reach the study here:

What I found most interesting was the lesson about research that it reinforces.

They presented the numbers, and then were fairly positive in their comments about what it all means for Country radio. But honestly, I couldn't find much to be positive about. As an example, they concluded that reaching out to Hispanics would be productive for Country stations. For example...

56% of those open to country music said they might listen more if they saw ads on Spanish television.

But me, perhaps displaying a little contrariness, found this to be discouraging. If they are truly open to country music, why do targeted ads only result in half of them agreeing that they might listen more? And what happens when the Spanish language ads are followed up by a radio station that is 100% in English? See what I mean? Inquiring minds quickly wander.

A research study presents two things: data and conclusions.

A conclusion is just another word for "meaning". Data is data, but meaning is what we act on. The data can be viewed by two different people, and they will draw a different "meaning" from it.

Note: I'm not saying that the people at Edison have drawn the wrong conclusion.

Perhaps I'm too pessimistic. Or I'm failing to see the data in the correct context.

The researchers at Edison spent a lot of time with this, I imagine. And they saw all the data. I'm only saying that I looked at the numbers, and jumped to a different conclusion. And I had a different emotional reaction. I'm also very concerned about the line in their summary "only 38% of Hispanics are aware of a Country radio station in their area".

I commend Edisonfor looking into the issue. What I hope will be an ongoing dialog has begun. And with the changing demographics of the U.S.A., it is an important dialog.

The Jacobs blog entry wasn't about a research study. It was (I think) designed to increase awareness. The blog points out that in some places, the younger end of the rock generation is becoming much more Hispanic, and this presents a challenge.

I don't work with enough country stations to have much to offer in the way of new information on the subject of Hispanics and Country stations. But I do work with enough Rock stations to study this a bit. In my next blog, I'll share with you what I've found in terms of the excitement Hispanic males feel for rock music, and give you a sense of how their music taste may be different. These are specifics, based on hundreds of music research interviews.  If the topic of the week is Hispanic listeners, let's all jump in and take a look!


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