Monday, August 28, 2006

Seth Godin's New Book

Seth Godin is one of my favorite business book authors. One of his earlier books, "All Marketers Are Liars" was so packed with good ideas that I thought my head might explode.

His new book is "Small is the New Big". Two things about it:

First: Fellow researcher Mark Ramsey has conducted an interview with Seth about the "small is the new big" idea, and how it relates to our radio industry. Mark did his usual excellent job, and I think that right now would be an excellect time for you listen to the interview at Hear 2.0.

Second: While the interview and one of the themes of the book deals with this topic, the book itself is much broader than that. For me, it is working well as a great source of ideas about quality products, services and relationships with customers.

I'm only half way through the book, and again, it feels like it is time to wrap my head in duct tape. Almost every page has an idea that can and should be applied to radio. A lot of those ideas need no more than one person (you?) to start making a positive change.

Highly recommended.

Monday, August 14, 2006

MusicVISTA now taps into the long tail: Artist Information

Wikipedia is the Internet encyclopedia that, as Chris Anderson says in his book “The Long Tail”, represents the long tail of encyclopedias. It dwarfs anything has come before. Regular encyclopedias simply don’t have to room for detailed articles on musicians. But Wikipedia does. So I’ve added another feature to our music test analysis software. MusicVISTA now includes links to Wikipedia for the artist(s) for each song. If there is no entry in Wikipedia, but I’ve been able to find a different site (often an official site for the artist), I’ve linked you to that site instead. Because we can!