Friday, March 20, 2009

How Many People Generally Like Your Music?


Never Done Before Analysis, Now on the MusicVISTA Report Menu

There is a new item on the Report Menu: How Many People Generally Liked The Music?

It brings up the following analysis dialog:

Why I Designed This New Report

It began as an offhand comment and ended with a new analysis added to MusicVISTA. A programmer friend of mine said “I wouldn’t want to listen to the opinions of people who don’t even like 75% of the music in the AMT.”

I realized that I have never considered that issue. Do most people like 75% of the songs in your AMT?

What is your guess for your station? I think most programmers think that at least a majority of the people like 75% or more of the songs.

Maybe it would be less if you threw in a bunch of questionable songs just to see if any of them surprise you and test well. But otherwise, it seems like most people should like most of the songs.

So I modified MusicVISTA to measure this. As illustrated in the screen above, you can choose from any break, and you can check the music acceptance at any level from 1 to 100% of the songs.

Surprising Results

In the few tests I’ve had the chance to look at so far, the overall average for the Total Sample is:

19% of the Total Sample like at least 75% of the songs.

It was 28% in the screen above, looking at Males. For Total Sample, this station’s result was only 15%.

Are you surprised at how low that is? I am. In fact, I find it a little disturbing. It is something to think about.

Again, using only the few tests I’ve been able to look at, 28% of Pure Core format fans like at least 75% of the songs.

All future MusicVISTA AMTs will include this analysis.


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