Thursday, September 17, 2009

MusicVISTA Enhancement: Previous Category Information


Another great idea from Australia! Alan Logan at ARN suggested that we be able to view the category each song was in at the time of the test.

We now we have a dedicated MusicVISTA column, PC (Previous Category) for your previous category information.


As you work on the test, you can see where you’re considering placing the song and and also where it came from.

To take advantage of this, you will want to provide me with each song’s current category in addition to the title and artist. I can load this information initially into the Category and /or the Previous Category columns. Normally, I think you’ll want to see it added to both.

Moving ‘Category’ to ‘Previous Category’

This is a new item of the Edit menu. You can copy the Category information to the Previous Category column. Perhaps you’ve moved some music around since building the song test list. You can clean it up the category assignments, then move them to the Previous Category column. Note that this is a permanent change. Any old information will be overwritten.


Previous Category Counts

We have always displayed the current number of songs in each category. The category assignment list has been expanded so that you now see the Previous category totals as well, and the difference between the two.


Summary Report – Preview:

Alan at ARN has also suggested a report that would summarize the category changes that have taken place as a result of implementing the AMT. Once we have a good design for the report I’ll begin work on that as well. I can’t give you a timetable for that.

Include Category Information

I think you’ll find it useful to have your category information in front of you as you review the AMT. This is especially true now that MusicVISTA now supports this in more ways: you can customize the categories in MusicVISTA, show the previous category for each song, and compare before and after song counts for each category.

I urge you to include “category” when you put together your music test list.


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